Thursday, July 31, 2008


Well I thought I would start a blog page because everyone's been asking me to update them on my travels, and I thought this would be a fun, easy way to do it. Also, what kind of backpacker would I be if I didn't keep a blog?

So, I'll first update you on my most recent trip to Europe!! And it was amazing of course! I started in Rome for a week by myself. It was my first real experience backpacking! So, of course I stayed in hostels and meet other backpackers from just about everywhere in the world. I was in Rome during the Euro cup ( a soccer tournament), and I was excited because Italy was still playing, and I had heard so much about the excitement in Italy when their soccer team wins a big game. So, I watched the game Italy vs. Spain in a bar near-by my hostel. And Italy ended up losing in the shoot out after a 0-0 match :( Oh well maybe next time...

So I went to all the touristy sites in Rome, the Colosseum, the Roman forum, Vatican City and the Vatican Museums..... everything just about! And let me tell you every tourist is doing the exact same thing, walking around the streets lost with their nose in their maps. I think it was a site in itself just to sit back and people watch. Anyways, I'm glad I had an entire week in Rome because I was able to take my time and enjoy all the little things :) After all it was a vacation :)

So, here are some of my favorite pictures:
I just thought this little path up to a higher street was really beautiful! It was very quiet to walk up even though it was just off a busy street. And their were a few guys playing Italian music under the pass.

This picture is funny how I got it. I asked another tourist to take a picture of me in front of the Roman forum (which is to my right), and he kept moving me over to my left and I didn't know why. I didn't realize the Colosseum was even behind me. When he gave my camera back he showed me the picture and asked if it was ok, so, I was surprised to see the Colosseum for the first time behind me in a picture! So, I just skipped over the Forum for a while to go see the Colosseum first.

Just one on the many beautiful bridges crossing over the Tevere river. The sun was setting so it made for a nice picture. I spent a lot of time when I was in Rome walking along the river just because it was relaxing to get away from the crowds of the city.

There is also a small island, Tiberina (I think), in the Tevere that is a must see for anyone visiting Rome that wants to something other than the Colossuem.

Il Nilo, from the Vatican Museums. I just liked how all the little babies were climbing all over.

The Colosseum, the Roman Forum, and St. Pietro's Basilica. What everyone sees when they go to Rome.

Were you lucky enough to get one of the post cards I mailed from the Vatican city???

So, I guess technically I visited 2 countries on my trip to Rome. It was definitely interesting to be able to walk all around an entire country in a few hours.

Off to Prague for a week

As amazing as Rome was I was a bit glad to leave the 110 degree heat and millions of tourist for a much quieter city like Prague. Prague is a city that looks exactly like the picture I have in my head of eastern Europe.

I wish I could get this picture in a hand made painting and hang it on my wall. There were tons of towers and churches and places to go up into to get great views of the city!! Love it!

I met Eitan there, so it was also nice not to be on my own anymore :) We stayed in a hostel with the best location ever, right next to the Charles bridge, and it wasn't expensive! And I also got to see the Euro cup championship game where Spain (who beat Italy) then won 1-0 against Germany. Prague celebrated the Euro cup games by putting huge screens in all the big squares around the city where you could go watch the games. So, we went to Stareomeska Square with all the crowds to watch the game and celebrate Spains victory!!! ESPANA!!! It was probably the best experience of my trip!

So, here are some of my fav from Prague. Oh, and I lost about half of my pics from Prague :( I can't get them off my memory card.... So, these are only the best from the pics I do have.
This is St. Vitus's Cathederal, inside Prague Castle area. This huge Mideval cathederal was the one thing your eye could pick out from anywhere in Prague. Below is a picture of the skyline with Prague castel up on the hill.

The famous Golden Road and all its tiny, tiny houses. I don't know how anyone lived in these houses.

Eitan with one of the interesting things we found. Its some kind of bread pastery with sugar on the outside. I don't even know if it has anything to do with Prague or it is just for tourists and we got sucked in, lol. But it was still good!!

Prague at dusk from Petrin tower. I think I climbed more steps in towers in Prague than I have in the rest of my life!

Eitan and I up in the tower right next to our hostel.

Ok, I think I've just about exhausted the program for uploading pics onto here. But believe me I have a lot more. Let me know if you want to see more.

As for my next trip, I leave to Thailand on August 28!! Right now I'm in planning mode! It should be quite an experience, I am traveling alone and will be there for 5 months of which I need to find a different country to go to for at least one month because of my visa. Can't wait!