Sunday, July 29, 2012

Chicago for Alissa's wedding

July is the month for weddings! Alissa, Micah's sister got married on July 28. So I went to Chicago a few days early and got to see all the preparations before the wedding. Kinda fun to see all the differences between her and Christine's wedding and that they were both really beautiful.

I went with Micah and Jacob, his brother, to try on and pick up their tuxes. Lookin' good with the converses Alissa had everyone wear for her wedding!

 At the Friday night dinner before the wedding. All the groomsmen got thank you knives.
And I really like this picture of the 4 of us, me, Micah, Lauren and Jacob, at the dinner.

The Wedding
Alissa and Ben were so brave to plan an outdoor wedding in Chicago in the summer. But they were really lucky and it turned out to be a beautiful day. We weren't allowed to take pictures during the ceremony, but it doesn't matter because that way we were just able to enjoy it without worrying about pics.
But here was the chupa and katuvah setup where they got married. You can see what a beautiful day it was.
The wedding was really unique and turned out really well. Alissa's friend played the violin before the ceremony and while the wedding party walked down the aisle. And they combined all the Jewish traditions for Alissa with all the Irish traditions for Ben, like him wearing a kilt and them tying ropes around their wrists to bind them in marriage.
Another thing was that the site was right next to the train tracks and the trains went by every 15 mins and blew their horns.

The reception was then inside. Great picture of the new happy couple. Congrats Alissa and Ben!

Also of Micah sitting with Jacob at the wedding party table.
And I was sat at the fun table with their cousins and other family.

Then when the night was all over and everyone was all danced out we watched the happy couple run off on their get-away-train. Cute!

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