Monday, September 17, 2012

Rosh HaShanah

Our big production!
Even though Peru is a Catholic country I've never felt any anti-antisemitism toward me when I tell people that I'm Jewish. A lot of people have told me that the people here are very racist, but at least not towards me.
So there aren't any synagogues here, but luckily Rosh HaShanah was on a Sunday so I spent the day preparing for a big dinner with my 'familia Peruana'. Early in the morning I went with Giovana and Milner to the big market just outside of town to buy a ton of food. We bought a whole chicken, lots of vegetables, lots of apples, other fruits, raisins and every thing else. We came home and Giovana helped me prepare everything from scratch.
First we made the dough for the challah so that we could let it rise and put it in the oven before the chicken. It's always fun teaching things like this to my friends in other countries because they're always so interested in other cultures. I taught her how to braid the challah and told her that we always make round challahs for the New Year with raisins. The challah turned out better than a lot of breads I've made here so far, but I still getting used to the oven because there's no temperature gauge so it's always too hot.

-We boiled a lot of peeled apples to make apple sauce. It's Micah's recipe. Yumm.
-We cut up cabbage and tossed it in homemade dressing for cole slaw. It came out tasting a little weird because there's something funny about the mayo here...Ok, whatever, you win some you lose some.
-We cut up a ton of carrots and cooked up some Tzimmes.
-For another cold dish we made Israeli couscous salad but substituted the couscous for quinoa. It turned out really good, especially with the real olive oil I splurged on.
-The main dish was the chicken. I taught Giovana how to make the bread dressing(all from scratch except missing celery) and stuff the chicken. Then we glazed it with a homemade apple sauce/ketchup/brown sugar sauce and crammed sliced onions and apples under the chicken before putting it in the oven. To my surprise it turned out really good.
In the end we ate at 5pm. Long but satisfying day :)
This was my first time making such a big meal completely from scratch. So pulling this off inspires me for Thanksgiving coming up. And Micah's going to be here so at least he can help me.
Even though I couldn't spend the day at home with my family and friends this still was a great day.
 L'Shana Tovah v'metukah! 

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