Sunday, November 25, 2012

Arequipeno Thanksgiving dinner

 We had an awesome Thanksgiving dinner today, even though it was on Saturday because we all had to work Thursday evening.
Ellen and David
Thanks to our host, Ellen and David, for opening up their home and baking an amazing turkey. And I don't know if it's common, but this was the first time I ever had stuffing made with apples and it was really good (and she used the herbs I gave her from my roof top garden :). I have to find out her recipe! Ellen and David moved here for David's job and Ellen just showed up one day looking to see if we needed teachers because she was a teacher for many years back in the States. Well, I'm so glad she did walk in because she's so fun and positive and because of all her experience she's been practically mentoring me in managing a school. I'm so thankful for her.
John and Lorenzo
John and Lorenzo are two new teachers this month. One thing about being the Academic Coordinator is that I get to know all of the teachers very well. And with so many new teachers coming and the old teachers leaving the dynamics of the school are always changing.
Elena and her husband
Ellen's friend Elena and her husband also joined us for dinner. It's always fun to celebrate these 'American' holidays that they don't have here with some locals.
Cheesy scones and dinner rolls
Me and Micah
Everyone brought something, so there was tons of food. There was the turkey, stuffing and gravy (of course), beet salad, Elena's quinoa salad, Lorenzo's sweet potato casserole and baked chicken dish, and then Micah and I made dinner rolls, scones and green bean casserole. To drink, we had a sweet sangria with fresh fruit. For dessert John brought a beautiful strawberry cheesecake and Ellen made a pumpkin pie out of the giant calabash-pumpkin looking thing they have here. Yumm yumm, great food, great company, a great night and great way to end this week and month.
Strawberry cheesecake

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