Saturday, November 17, 2012

Great place to live

After living in China I've learned to value the days that the sun shines. And here in Arequipa the sun shines almost every day. When I first got here in August the skies were perfectly clear blue everyday until early October, then a few clouds appeared and we started the season of beautiful sunsets. 
I also got so lucky with my housing. It's pretty cheap, I have a big room upstairs away from the rest of the commotion in the house, I don't have to share my bathroom except when the other room upstairs is rented out, and the best part is that I have a door leading onto the roof next to my bed. The roof is great for drying laundry, hanging out and keeping a rooftop garden. It's so great to step out into the cool morning air at 6:30am and feel the sun to wake up a little. I never thought I'd say that I like having to be at work at 7 am everyday.
I starting this rooftop garden a few weeks ago with a small oregano and rosemary plant. From there I went to a nursery and picked up a strawberry plant, a couple more herbs and a grape vine. When I saw how well the strawberry plant was doing every time I went to the markets I was on the lookout for more plants.
And now here I am, with 6 strawberry plants, 4 different flowers, 1 grape vine, 2 tomatoes, 2 peppers, and lots of herbs (basil, oregano, thyme, sage, rosemary, rue, peppermint, lemon mint, lemon verbena, huaycatay). They're all doing really well, except for the basil- I don't know what's wrong with it.

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