Saturday, May 18, 2013

Machu Picchu

What we were all waiting for, the icing to the cake, Machu Picchu. And it really was that much more impressive than everything else we had seen, mostly because of how high and hidden it was from the valley and that it was a complete city.

I decided to walk up (1.5 -2 hours from Aguas Calientes) with a German girl that was in our tour but we left a little late and thought that we could just go quickly and make it up in only 1 hour in time for our tour but it turned out that it really did take us the whole 2 hours to get up there. So we missed our tour. We were both pretty bummed at first.

The weather was really rainy and foggy at first in the morning. We had the option to go early in the morning to see the sun rise but when we got up at 5am and it was raining we decided to got back to sleep for an hour and just hike up.
We also went only part way (about 45 mins) up Machu Pichu mountain because it was so foggy that everyone told us we couldn't see anything from the top.
The clear view we were all waiting for.
The valley below Machu Picchu
But then magically at around 12 noon the weather started clearing up and by 1 it was clear enough that the sun actually popped out.
 Inside Machu Picchu there is everything they needed. Ceremonial grounds, houses with a water system, agricultural terraces and storage buildings. Super impressive place, I definitely agree with this site as one of the Seven Wonders of the world.
Tres Ventanas y llamas
(Some llamas in front of the 'Three windows')
The condor

The terraces 

Water system
The Inca Bridge
Tres Puertas (Three doors)

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