Friday, December 19, 2008

Only 1 week in Malaysia

After being in Ton Sai for nearly 1 month I had to make a "border run" to Malaysia to get a new entry stamp on my passport and more time to stay in Thailand.

This is a very beautiful mosque on Penang Island, my 1st of 2 stops in Malaysia.

Up on Penang hill, the tallest hill on the island, at Kek Lok See, a Chinese Buddhist temple. Malaysia has three main demographics, the Chinese Buddhists, Indian Hindu, and the Malay Muslim, all in a Muslim country. And for the most part everyone gets along great so you can be walking along one street and feel three completely different cultures.

The view from the top of Kek Lok See temple.
Then we tried to hike to the top of Penang Hill but we didn't make it all the way so we stopped for this view.
The most shocking thing in Malaysia were these Anti Zionist stickers. But don't let me mislead you I only found these in a few little shop/stalls in the bus stations, and all the people I met in Malaysia were friendly, and even in the mosque where they told me about the history of the Muslims in Malaysia.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Hat Ton Sai

Welcome to Hat Ton Sai/Railay the rock climbing capitol of Thailand!!

Over there you can see the beaches of Ton Sai and behind it are the couple hundred meter cliffs to climb on. I took this picture from the view point between Railay and Phra Nang. I hope the map can help my descriptions a bit.

Me and my friend Trac, from New Zealand/China.

Climbing up Groove Tube, on Fire wall! One of the "Must climbs" in Ton Sai.
My friend Wade from Seattle had the awesome idea to climb up Groove tube and belay me at the top from a small cave up there and take pics of me climbing up. Too bad I didn't get a pic of the cave... its just small enough for 2 people to squeze into, but you have to be careful not to fall down the tube!!

Boldering on Phra Nang beach.

Craig belaying Nick on a 6c on Phra Nang beach.

Veiw of Phra Nang beach from Escher World (one of the climbing sites).

Rapelling down Thaiwand wall when the sun was setting!!! GET DOWN FAST YOU DON'T WANT TO BE WALKING BACK IN THE FORESTS IN THE DARK!!!

Sabastien, from France, getting ready to climb at Thaiwand wall. You can see from Railay west across to Railay east from up there!

I'm also working a bit in Pyramid Bar during the nights.
Chai the owner of the bar.
En, Chai's cousin, a very strange boy indeed that works there.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

More pics from the Philippines

I know these posts are somewhat out of order...sorry
Here are the rest of the pics and some of what I did my last week in the Philippines.

I went to Dumagette after leaving Apo island with the 2 other backpackers and stayed the night at Liberty's home in Valencia. That weekend was a big festival of something I could not understand.

First stop was a big truck derby, where hundreds of Filipinos came to cheer on these enormous 4-wheelers around a muddy track with hills and tracks that they kept getting stuck in.

Then we went to one of the famous Filipino cock fights, where the Filipino men gamble on the roosters killing other roosters. They put a sharp blade one one foot of the rooster so when they claw at each other they end up able to kill the
other rooster. And betting is done by screaming your bet until you find someone to bet with. So "Tres biya, tres biya" mean 300 piso on the underdog...

The next morning before leaving Glen, Liberty's driver, took Adriano and I to nearby waterfalls that I now cannot remember the name.

Arriving at Camiguin. This island is famous because it has more volcanoes per area than any other place in the world... also a very beautiful and green island.

Filipino satay on Camiguin.

Kitibawasan Waterfalls that don't fit wholly in the picture
Hot springs made into a recreational area for the Filipino people.

White Island, just off Camiguin. There is no vegetation or people living on this Island, just sand, and you can walk from one side to the other in 10 mins!!

Sunset from White Island.
Dinner on Camiguin.

So, I stayed just a few days on Camiguin and then took a boat back to Bohol.
My Filipino friend, Junril, that I had met last time on Bohol showed me a few things around the Island. Like this deserted funny animal sanctuary that had a lot of different animals but only 1-2 of each and all were in cages too small for them.

The ape was trying to groom me :)
The oldest church in Bohol.

That was the end of my trip to the Philippines and I can't wait to go back someday to see more!! And the people there really are amazing!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Pics from Liew's wedding

I attended Liew's traditional Thai wedding on Nov. 2. It was one of the best experiences since traveling!! The wedding was so beautiful with old Thai traditions and also some Chinese traditions because her husband Fey is Malay-Chinese.
Liew and her friends before the gift giving.

Liew's friends explained everything about the wedding to me. Thank you sooooooo much to them!!

Exchanging of wedding rings and gifts from the bride and groom's parents. Everything was done on the living room floor of Liew's house.
The guests poured water over the new couples' hands to wish them a prosperous future.
She finally wore her wedding gown but only for the reception. There were 5 times more people at the reception than the wedding and it was a huge meal with maybe 12 Thai dishes!!!
Such a beautiful day!!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Bohol, my favorite island in the Philippines!

After Cebu I went to Bohol on a slow boat that took about 5 hours (not the longest boat ride) and they have beds on the boat for the long rides.

Beautiful sunset from the boat.
The Tarsier, the smallest monkey in the world. Small enough to fit on your palm.

Diving at Balicasag island (small island off Alona beach in Bohol) and my dive master, Kwats.
Alona Beach!

More Bohol to come later!

Apo Island, or in other words Small Paradise!

After Bohol, I went to Apo island off the big island of Negros Oriental. Another paradise island that is only big enough for 750 people to live and only has electricity 5 hours a day and no running water... But who cares when you're in paradise!!!
My super generous friends, Pad and Joel, from Bohol that practically escorted me to Apo island and wouldn't let me pay for anything along the way!!! Unbelievable, and just because they wanted me to enjoy the Philippines!!

Sunset and fishermen looking at Negros from Apo Island.
The one beach on Apo island.

The view deck.
Is it still necessary to explain that I was really on paradise!

Going out for a dive from Apo!
Paradise I tell you just paradise. This English man I met can't leave seem to leave the island so he decided to build a fishing boat with all his spare time!

Adriano (Australian), Liberty (the Chief of the Island), and Hugh the man who built the boat. This is in Liberty's community resort, one of the 2 resorts on the island, and where I stayed. I think you would have a hard time finding a more friendly place on earth.
Liberty is the reason this beautiful island hasn't been over run buy tourists b/c of her no more resorts can take over the island! Also, with her caring of the island she built a much need elementary school and put already 8 island children though University and is working of getting a medical facility on the island, and all with her own money!! I want to go back there are teach English at the school she had built if I can :)

Sadly leaving Apo island, but with Liberty's big heart being taken to her home in Valencia, Negros to stay a night in order to catch our boat early the next morning.