Saturday, August 30, 2008

Sawat-dii kha!

Sawat-dii kha (hello) from Thailand!

Traveling to Thailand seemed like it took forever, but here I am finally in Thailand! It only took me 4 flights, 23 hours on planes, and 11 hours in different airports. But all the flights were worth it, I met so many people that wanted to give me advice on traveling and Thailand and I got phone numbers and invitations to stay in people's homes. I've never seen so many friendly people!

I'm staying now in a Thai home of a woman I sat next to on the plane from Taipei, Taiwan to Bangkok. She teaches math methods in a University in CA (who would've known :) ) Her daughter is a few years older than me and works in Maylasia so I might visit her later on during my trip, I'm not sure yet though.

Yesterday, my first morning I went to breakfast with Ba-Dang (Ba means auntie) thats how she told me to call her. I had the best wonton soup (giot, in Thai) ever. Then we bought Kohw la'am (in the picture). Its sicky, sweet rice thats put in bamboo and cooked from a flame. Ba-dang is trying to teach me Thai, but its hard!

We also went to a buddhist temple. Then later on I went with Pi Liew (Pi means older sister) to JJ market, it was huge! There are hundreds of shops that sell everything from clothes, and suiveners to food, and a shop where Pi Liew ordered invitations for her upcoming wedding.

I've already tried so many different foods I cannot even remember the names, lol. The Thai's eat tons of sea food, and its very very cheap. Squid, octupus, shrimp (1 kilo of shrimp for about $1.50), crab, and other things I dare not ask. Lots of fruit, most that I have never seen before, and you can try the fruit in the market before you buy it. My favorite is loong kong.... its good!

I'm having trouble uploading more pictures now. But I am having a great time and loving Thailand!


Anonymous said...

Im sooo jealous! Keep udating i love reading this!

Sarah said...

I love it! Keep me updated!!!

Glad you made it safely!

Unknown said...

I'm glad to hear that you landed safely...finally after such a long trip! I am also glad to hear that you are already enjoying yourself so much. I'm already missing hanging out with you and our long late night talks. Lahg-on! (A Thai woman I know said that's how you say "good-bye")