Thursday, July 9, 2009

Crazy China!!!

I don't know how this happened! but for the last 2 months the Chinese gov. blocked blogspot so I couldn't post anything. but now I just randomly tried it and it worked!!! I hope it keeps working :)
I definitely don't understand their reasoning but the other day there was rioting in the far western province of Xinjiang and now the gov. blocked, I got back blogspot but lost facebook.

Now, its summer here in Tongzi, and even though its supposed to be the hottest time of the year its actually quite plesant! I think its better than the spring because its not so humid and there's almost always a nice breeze. It makes me think about what good luck I've had in ending up here in Tongzi.

Last week school ended on Monday. I was really sad to say goodbye to my students. In the end I felt every class was different and had their own personalities. I enjoyed teaching every class, even the ones with bad students.

Then last Wednesday I left for a trip to Yunnan. One student, who'll be in No. 1 Middle school next fall, and her mother took me and paid for almost everything because the mother wants me to tutor her daughter next fall. So, the trip was great ane the places we went were interesting but the mother was absolutely the most annoying thing I've seen in all of China so far! I felt like a bug when a kid uses a stick to push the bug around and make the bug go where the kid wants it to go. This woman wouldn't let me do anything on my own, not even go to the bathroom with out her yelling into the bathroom to find out that oh yeah I haven't run away yet! And I know most things were meant to be kind but just got annoying like her offering me quick noodles right after I've eaten dinner. I'd politely refuse, then with in the next 2 minutes she continue to offer them to me about 15 times until I get short with her and/or leave and try to ignore her!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Im glad youre back in business! Although boo for Facebook...
is your email the same as on your facebook page? I need to talk to you.