Monday, September 22, 2008

Stuck in Bangkok!

So, last time I posted I was leaving Koh Tao and I thought I was on my way up north to Chiang Mai with a friend but that didn't happen. So I stayed in Nakhon Pathom for a few days with my buddy Ba Dang... She was a little too excited that I came back. She kept feeding me about every 2 mins and taking me places. She is so nice but I think her hospitality is a little too much for me, so I bought a ticket to Chiang Mai and am on my way! Yay!

In the past few days I went with some friends to the old capital of Thailand, Ayuthya, then hung around in Bangkok a little (not too much), and went with Ba Dang and her friends to the mountains in Kanchanaburi.

The Emerald Buddha in Wat Prat Kaew in Bangkok. This little Buddha has been through a lot, it was stolen a few times after wars between Laos and Thailand... I guess he is really important!

Peh and I in Ayuthaya. It used to be the capital of Siam and these are the ruins! Very awesome! I felt like I could see the Thai people hundreds of years ago going to pray at these temples!

Peh and I took an elephant ride around Ayuthaya! And wow they are huge animals!

The Wat in Kanchaniburi (?) with the great Monk's from Burma remains.

So anyways, I did make it to Chiang Mai after a very scary bus ride up here. But it turned out good because I met an awesome German and an Israeli on the way (who would have thought?). So I will probably travel with them for a few days. We are all single travelers that don't have any plans for at least 3 weeks... So we will see how this goes. So far they are too funny for me to watch, they just make me laugh!! If you would see these two together you would think they came to Thailand as best friends...

I'm off!

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