Saturday, September 27, 2008

Pics from Chiang Mai and Pai

Ok so here are some of the pictures I promised my mom.

From Riverview Bar in Chiang Mai. From the left Flo (Germany), Roy (Israel), Martian (Quebec).

From a rooftop bar in Chiang Mai. Just thought it was a kewl picture.

Breakfast with the group of people I met here in Pai.

Flo with his pink motorbike.

Waterfall here in Pai, that we swam to. I don't remember the name though.

A different waterfall. I was playing with the colors on my camera.

Elephant camp!

Scenery from the motorbike in Pai.


Eva from VA said...

Thanks for the pictures.......I hope your cooking class went will cook for me when you get back, right?!?! L'Shana Tova ...... Yom Kippur is Thurs the 9th of Oct ..... Continue to enjoy ...... I'm going back to's 4:30am here.... but I wanted to get to talk to you... Love Ya, Mom :o)

Aunt Ceil said...

Hi Shana,

Well it looks like you're having a great time and thats good......of course becareful as I'm sure your mom lets you know.......Well I hope to see you after you get home and of courseyou can cook for me too!!!!
Love Ya
Aunt Ceil