Thursday, September 11, 2008

Scuba diving

So I just finished my open water scuba diving certification, with Crystal dive, here on Koh Tao. And I love diving!!! I don't know why I waited so long to get my diving certification!

Left: My open water diving class. Elena, me, Claire, Hannah, and Joe. Yoni is missing... thats ok he doesn't need to be in the picture anyways, lol.

Right: our awesome instructor, Agnes!

Me and my scuba partner, Elena.

We graduated! I don't think I could've been in a better group, I'm really gonna miss these people so much. Joe, me, Elena, Hannah, Yoni, James (Dive Master in Training), and another DMT.

I love Koh Tao so much, I feel like I could just stay there for the rest of my trip. Its a pretty small island, therefore its quiet, but still plenty of stuff to fill your time. After my scuba courses a friend and I rented a motorbike and just cruised around the tiny island. I was pretty crazy because most of the roads arn't paved, and they are really, really steep!!

Rob the Canadian.

View from the north point of Koh Tao.

Then we went to the closest island to Koh Tao, to Koh Pangan, for the full moon party. Basically its a huge drinking party on the beach where people have way too much to drink and end up passed out on the sand with cut up feet from broken bottles at 6am. Well I'm not really the one to lose controll while drinking, but I guess if anything it was worth it just to see all the stupid people... lol.

The original bar for the Full moon party, Paradise Bungalows.

The stands on the beach that sell mixed drinks, aka buckets. Just imagine a few hundred of these lined up for almost 2 km.

Rob, Luke, Neil

Mary, Jess, me, at the Full Moon party! Everyone was from the same scuba school.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome....simply awesome! Jeez had i met you a few months beforehand i would be right there with you drink in hand